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Please read additional regulations specific to each section


  1. All exhibits to be entered at the owner’s risk.

  2. Entry fees must be paid on making entries, which must be submitted in writing on forms supplied by the Association.

  3. Prize money will not be paid until after 4.30pm and upon presentation of prize voucher.

  4. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED IF A CLOSING DATE IS ADVERTISED, except at the discretion of the Head Steward or Secretary.

  5. EV and RAS height certificates accepted for horses.

  6. All protests or objections in connection with the show must be made in writing and lodged (with a deposit of $100) with the secretary not later than 8pm on the Monday following the show. These will be considered at the next ordinary meeting of the committee. In the event of any protest being upheld and the prize awarded to a second competitor, any further protest against the new award must be made within 7 days of the new award. Should the protest prove frivolous, the deposit shall be forfeited.

  7. At 4.30pm the Exhibit Pavilion will be closed to enable exhibitors to take possession of their goods. Only exhibitors or designated proxies will be admitted after that hour.

  8. All written communications should be addressed to the secretary.

  9. The association does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the schedule.

  10. The association will not, under any circumstances, hold itself liable for any accidents on the grounds or premises.

  11. Any prize money not claimed or collected within 3 months of the date of the show becomes the property of the association


Kimm Noonan - 0477 972 545

© Yea Agricultural, Pastoral & Horticultural Association Inc

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