Site Fees - Craft Market Stall Site – $30 per 3 metre square. Trade Space – $50 per 5 metre square
Please download and complete the 2023 Yea Show Trade Exhibitor Application Form above and return together with your site fee.
Your receipt and Gate Pass will then be forwarded to you.
*PDF form can be filled in online/downloaded and then printed, or printed and filled in by hand.
Site Boundaries
The Yea Agricultural Show will be held the 23rd November 2024. Gates open at 6:30am and Show finishes at 4:30pm. There will be no security organized for overnight on the Friday night. Stall owners are responsible for their own security; however, there are many showmen, stall holders and exhibitors who camp in the grounds overnight.
The site booked must be adequate to contain completely all the applicant’s equipment, trailers, towbars, guy ropes, etc. and must not infringe on adjacent areas. All trade exhibitors must keep sites safe to the public and must observe any reasonable instructions of the Association. Site sub-letting/sharing is not permitted.
All Trade Exhibitors must remain and conduct business within the confines of their allocated site.
All displays must be of a standard acceptable to the Show Committee.
Approval of application for the Trade Exhibitor and allocation of space is at the discretion of the Association. The Association reserves the right to relocate any exhibitor as it deems necessary.
Site Allocation
Sites will be allocated when all documentation and payment is received. The Association reserves the right to change the position of any site on or before Show Day. Trade Exhibitors must be in place and ready to operate by 9:00am on Show Day.
Please indicate requirements on application form. Exhibitors are asked to provide own leads, which MUST conform to Victorian Work Cover Guidelines (i.e. tested and tagged within the previous 3 months, be appropriate for the job (heavy duty), long enough for the job, do not exceed permitted lengths and are in good condition).
OH&S Regulations
All mobile plant equipment must comply with occupational health and safety
Not required for display purposes or which cannot be safely parked behind your display, must be moved to a public parking area prior to 9:00am on Show Day.
Public Address
Systems are only to be used by site holders with prior consent of the Association. Volume must be kept to a minimum and speakers must be directed to the ground adjacent to the stand.
Must not be driven into the ground without prior permission of the Grounds Supervisor, as underground hazards may exist.
Securing Pegs, Pins
or Stakes
The Site Area
Must be left in a clean and tidy condition after the Show. Stall holders must supply their own rubbish bins at the site and remove rubbish appropriately.
All exhibitors are responsible for any claim/s arising as a result of any damage or injury of any description which may occur to person or property or be occasioned by or arise out of the use of any machinery, implement or apparatus of any nature used in connection with, or caused directly by the carrying out of exhibitors business or activity at the Show. The Yea A.P. & H. Association is indemnified against any such claims.
All Trade Exhibitors are required (in their own interest) to ensure they have current Public Liability Insurance cover of at least AUD $10,000,000. Proof of adequate Public Liability Insurance must be provided when lodging application. (Please attach copy) NO PROOF, NO SITE.
All Trade Exhibitors (where applicable) must have appropriate Certificate of Registration from the local government authority and appropriate Food Handlers Certificate. Applications without these certificates will not be considered.
Food Handling
Food Vendors
Must comply with current Health & Safety regulations under the Food Act 1984 and local shire. Food items and bottled wine may be sold by exhibitors. Giveaway samples also permitted. Exhibitors must comply with all state, federal and local council regulations regarding the sale of food and beverages.
Liquor Licence
Exhibitors serving alcohol are required to have a liquor license from the Liquor Commission and any other certificates as required by Victorian Legislation. Those sites serving alcohol must indicate on application form.
Fire Permit
If operating any device with a naked flame (i.e. BBQ or cooker) and a Total Fire Ban Day is declared the site holder must register for a permit and comply with all CFA standards.
Dangerous Goods
Must be correctly stored and labelled as per Work Safe Victoria Guidelines.
Banned Items
The Show Committee reserves the right to refuse sale or distribution of certain items. These include, but are not limited to, anything that is deemed can cause injury or nuisance to animals or people. Vendors found selling or distributing these items will be dealt with according to the law and immediately removed from the Showgrounds.
All personal information supplied to the Yea A.P. & H. Association will be kept for next year’s mailing list. No information is given out to any other organization other than our insurance company if a request for Public Liability coverage has been made.
The Show President has the final say in all disputes that may arise.
Banned Items from
Sale or Display
The following items are expressly banned from sale or display at the 2023 Yea Show.
Knives of any description.
Guns of any description including, but not limited to all plastic toy guns, pellet guns, ball bearing guns, replica guns (bullet type), pop-downs, (throw downs), 8-shot caps, strip caps, roll caps and all other caps.
Fireworks and crackers
Water pistols (longer than 1500mm), water bombs.
Explosive items of any description.
In the interest of protecting and attracting families to local Shows, the Victorian Showman’s Guild and the Victorian Agricultural Shows Ltd have agreed that the following items be banned at Country Agricultural Shows: Explicit DVDs and videos, explicit and hardcore T-shirts, fake cigarettes, fuel-type fire lighters (Zippos), trumpets, knives (including pen knives), laser lights, metal and wooden martial arts nunchuck, playing cards (nude or lewd), pressure pack fart gas, pressure pak snow, pressure pak silly string, drug related goods (including kits and bongs etc.), stink bombs.
Banned or illegal items will be confiscated and appropriate authorities contacted. The names and trading names of the site holders found selling banned items will be reported to police and circulated to all other societies.